
作为专业要求的一部分,历史专业学生在大三和大四期间每季度必须参加一次学术讨论会. Colloquia connect students with working professionals, issues and ideas in their area of future employment and study.


Wednesday, October 28
7:00 p.m., Teams

网上博彩澳门银河本季度的历史讨论会将由沃拉沃拉大学历史专业的一位毕业生来主持, Hannah Cutting-Jones, who teaches in the Honors College at the University of Oregon.  Dr. Cutting-Jones obtained her Ph.D. at the University of Auckland, where she studied the history of food in the South Pacific, particularly the impact made by Western foods introduced by missionaries.  Continuing her research on the history of food, Dr. 卡廷-琼斯因目前的研究课题获得了美国国会图书馆的博士后研究奖学金, which she will describe to us in her colloquium lecture, titled, "Treasure Hunting in the Archives."  

她2021年春季国会图书馆奖学金项目的标题是“蛋白质战争:争夺网上博彩澳门银河最喜欢的营养物质”,” and her project description follows:

“在这个项目中,我将探索蛋白质作为现代最引人注目和最有争议的食物成分的历史, 从19世纪中期开始,当科学家们第一次确定蛋白质是一种重要的营养物质时. 新的富含蛋白质的产品,如Justus von Liebig的牛肉提取物和John Harvey Kellogg的植物性Nuttose和Protose很快进入市场. 这些加工食品说明了新兴的营养科学领域的趋势,以及关于什么食物最健康的对立意识形态. 一些人认为,动物产品是“完全蛋白质”的唯一来源——这一观点在医生报告和牛肉汤和奶粉等流行产品中都可以看到, 而另一些人则提出,植物性蛋白质对身体和环境的健康都是足够的,甚至是最佳的. 两次世界大战重新集中并缩减了为美国士兵提供富含蛋白质的饮食的努力,并将肉类转移到战区. 我将考察从19世纪中期到20世纪后期“富含蛋白质”产品的营销和科学,并追溯其演变过程, contradictory, and persistent narratives surrounding protein as an essential nutrient.”

Wednesday, November 20
7:00 p.m., ADM 117

Dr. Jakobina Arch, Assistant Professor of History at Whitman College, 将于11月20日晚7点在ADM 117.  Dr. 阿奇的演讲考察了日本当代捕鲸问题的历史根源.  Her  research interests include marine environmental history, the history of science, and Japanese history from 1600 to the present. 

Sunday, November 10
7:00 p.m., Melvin K. West Fine Arts Center Auditorium

Distinguished Faculty Lecture by Debbie Muthersbaugh.  “见即知:探索视觉表现对教与学的影响”

Pictures and drawings have been used in teaching practices over time. 大多数教育工作者在教学中使用视觉线索来支持网上博彩澳门银河的想法或知识. 使用视觉表示提供了更有意义的学习经验和对他们能力的信心. 但网上博彩澳门银河如何才能更好地理解视觉方面对学习的价值? Debbie Muthersbaugh, dean of the WWU School of Education and Psychology, 研究过这个主题并分析了一系列研究的结果吗. 在一年一度的世界自然大学杰出教师讲座中,她将分享她的一些发现, 包括对以下问题的回答:艺术之间的联系是什么, science, math, and other subjects? 在选择和使用图像进行教学时,如何有意识地帮助学生对自己的学习产生更积极的态度? 这些综合实践如何导致一个更具包容性的课堂和校园?

Monday, October 7
7:00 p.m., ADM 117

Tractor Show Film presented by the Blue Mountain Land Trust

Thursday, November 1
7:00 p.m., ADM 117

Nikolas Peterson


Wednesday, October 24
5:45 p.m., Village Hall

Congressional Debate Live Stream: Cathy McMorris-Rogers, Republican incumbent, and Democratic challenger, Lisa Brown
The History & Philosophy Department is co-sponsoring, with ASWWU, 凯西·麦克莫里斯-罗杰斯和丽莎·布朗在沃拉沃拉市议会辩论的现场直播.


Tuesday, October 9
6:00 p.m., CTC 128

Illuminate: Finding Light at the Intersection of Faith and Practice
基督复临安息日会将在几周内举行年度会议,讨论与教会权力有关的几个问题, authority, and discipline. Dr. Greg Dodds, Dr. Mathilde Frey, and Dr. 戴夫·托马斯将在一个小组中讨论这些历史和当代背景下的问题.

May 29

Terry Gottschall和Monty Buell将主持历史系本季度第三场也是最后一场关于旅行和古典希腊罗马研究的讨论会


April 27

Carlos Schwantes, St. Louis Mercantile Library Endowed Professor of History Emeritus, 将展示铁路在西部扩张和美国边疆开发中的作用和影响的历史


April 19

The Second Annual Academic Conference, Donald Blake Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture
Dr. Benjamin Madley, Associate Professor of History at UCLA, will be delivering his keynote address based upon his recent book, 美国种族灭绝:美国和加州印第安人的灾难. 

January 18

与Mariela Rosas, Mary Aparicio, Aaron Brobow-Strain和Jody Washburn进行小组讨论. Learn more about Peacekeeping Week at


February 7

Professor of Philosophy Dr. Tim Golden performs George Stevens Jr.'s one-man Broadway show, Thurgood. 来看看美国第一位非洲裔最高法院大法官的精彩故事吧. Following the performance Dr. Golden will answer questions and have discussion with the audience. Run time: 1 hr 35 min + 20-30 min talk-back.


March 6

Moved by the Moabites: The New Excavations at Khirbat al-Balua, Jordan
Monique Vincent, Co-Director, Balua Regional Archaeological Project

考古学家Monique Vincent将与大家分享2017年在Khirbat al-Balua挖掘的令人兴奋的结果. Balua is a vast, 40-acre, 位于约旦中部古代摩押人传统领地的铁器时代定居点. 发现的物品包括一栋房子,房子的门道和墙壁高耸在完好无损的储物罐(和挖掘机)上!), a 10-foot city wall with a room full of weaving tools, and a monumental tower at the top of the city. 

October 31

Reformation: A Conversation with Martin Luther
This colloquium event, in collaboration with Forum: A Conversation, will feature a conversation with Luther. This event honors the 500th anniversary of the start of the Reformation.


October 19

Washington Court of Appeals, Div. III
Chief Judge George B. Fearing, Judge Laurel H. Siddoway and Judge Rebecca L. Pennell, presiding
View more information about the court appeal.


October 2

Dr. Timothy Golden

April 10

Complicity in the Holocaust
Robert P. Ericksen, historian


April 20

Keynote Address for the 1st Annual Academic Symposium on Race, Ethnicity & Culture
Dr. George Yancy


January 19

Inside the Temple of Liberty: A Look at the United States Capitol
Dr. Terrie Aamodt

February 22

John Luther Adams’ Ecology of Music
Professor Albert Diaz


February 8

Walk Like a Canaanite: How to Become an Archaeologist
Dr. Monique Vincent


January 19

Inside the Temple of Liberty: A Look at the United States Capitol
Dr. Terrie Aamodt

October 5

Dr. Timothy J. Golden